The SAI Capacity Development Database was launched in January 2012. The objective of the database is to enhance coordination of support to SAIs and to increase knowledge about the size and nature of support provided to the INTOSAI community. This tool aims at being a product that has a clear and unique value, and is widely used by stakeholders. That is a product that offers relevant and sought-after information on capacity development in SAIs in developing countries and SAI Performance in general, not only somewhere donors and SAIs must provide information.

In the approaching future, this database will be improved in terms of functionalities and information displayed. The database should not only aim at containing but also communicating the results of capacity development in SAIs in developing countries, showcase projects and their results, making visible the efforts of the Cooperation. Furthermore, it needs to more clearly link to the other (possible) key products of the Cooperation, such as the Global Call for Proposals as well as products of research, analysis and communication, linking activities more clearly to results.

The SAI Capacity Development Database is today considered a relevant activity of the Cooperation that can strengthen coordination and monitoring of SAI capacity development initiatives.

Visit the official website of the SAI Capacity Development Database