Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs

Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs

The Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs is a subgroup of the WGVBS originally made up by the SAIs of Brazil, Chile, France, Morocco, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. As of January 1st 2017, this subgroup gathers 28 SAIs with jurisdictional functions, 26 as full members and 3 as observers. This Forum aims to be a space for reflection, collaboration, and exchange of good practices among SAIs with this type of organizational model.

As result of the work carried out by this Forum, during its first meeting in Paris on November 13th 2015, a paper was released, which lists the values of SAIs with jurisdictional functions and engages those SAIs to join the foreseen activities to promote this type of model. This document has been disseminated among the WGVBS member SAIs.

This document, in English, French and Spanish versions, is available here below.

The next meeting of the Forum will be held in Turkey, in 2018, and it will be focused on the instruments and mechanisms used by jurisdictional SAIs to prevent and fight against corruption and fraud. In the meantime, the voluntary members will be working on drafting a document, destined to become a GUID on jurisdictional control. A project proposal of this GUID has been submitted to the Forum of INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP), This GUID will be presented in Turkey in 2018.

Members and observers Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon (Chamber of Accounts), Chile, Costa rica, Ivory Coast, Equator, Spain, France, Greece, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Iran, Italy, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali (Chamber of Account), Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Peru, Portugal, Senegal, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, and the Union of Comoros.